Surprise someone you love.
A sloppy kiss on the mouth is better than no kiss at all.
It's okay to cry.
When you are afraid, trust in God.
A good book should be read multiple times.
The family table is about the best place in the world.
Cardboard and duct tape make a great stable for baby Jesus.
Christmas is ALL about Jesus!
Keep your promises.
A laundry basket makes a great mold for snow blocks.
The family table is one of the best places in the world.
A book should be discussed, preferably at the dinner table.
Simple pleasures really are the best.
Eating snow is one of those simple pleasures.
Clip coupons.
Care for someone less fortunate.
Show your appreciation.
Be available.
Be flexible.
Be sensible.
Hold all things loosely.
Never give up!
Finish strong.
Consistency pays off.
God will make a way.
Everything goes better with a cup of tea.
Nurture friendships.
Stay the course.
Take time for a hug.
Laugh often.
Embrace life--all of it!
Do something spontaneous once in awhile.
A beautiful sunset never grows old.
A picture truly is worth a thousand words.
Pray about everything.
Kitty cats are special.
Grieve, then move on.
Dance in the kitchen.
Make music whenever possible.
Leaves were meant to be jumped in.
Live well.
Love your neighbor.
Involve yourself in careful study of the Bible.
Involve yourself in something bigger than yourself.
Think before you speak.
In quietness and confidence is your rest.
Be frugal. Shop wisely. Look for the deals.
Life isn't a dress rehearsal--give it the best you've got.
Words matter.
Love Jesus with all your heart, mind, and soul.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
God will provide.
Mozilla Firefox is better than Internet Explorer.
There's more than one way to get there.
Home is where your heart is.