Stephanie Kramm poses at a booksigning for her first children's book in her invisible series, The Branches on My Invisible Tree, a children's story about thankfulness. Each child received a lollipop from the "lollipop tree" after sharing a thankful thought.
I reread Branches this morning. Even adults need this powerful and practical reminder to practice gratitude daily!
As Stephanie writes in her author's note at the end of the book, " . . . every time you think a thought, a new neural pathway or 'branch' forms in your brain. The more you revisit that thought, the bigger and stronger that branch becomes and the easier it is to think that thought again. Your brain really is like a tree full of branches, and you get to decide where they go and how big they grow!"
An especially timely book as we approach Thanksgiving. Picture a family read around the table or cozied up with the kids on the couch.