In Chosen Ones, Eileen Rife has highlighted what may be the worst human rights violation of the 21st century – human trafficking. As part of an organization that is working to stop child prostitution, I have seen countless real-life cases just as tragic as the story Eileen has told in her most recent novel. Change the name, age, city and country, and you have the story of millions of children who are trapped in a life of abuse. Eileen paints a tragic but true picture of a victim of forced prostitution, but also gives hope in telling of the dedicated men and women who risk their lives daily to rescue these children. I pray that all who read this book might be moved, not just to tears, but to action. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people. Ps. 82:4
Barbara Everett, Director, Destiny Rescue USA, Inc.
Each of my novels comes with discussion questions at the end of the book. I post them here to wet your appetite. Perhaps your book club or Bible study group would enjoy reading CHOSEN ONES and interacting with the questions. I'd love to hear some of your responses!
In fact, if you contact me and mention that YOUR group has read and discussed one of my books, I will GIFT you with a complimentary book of your choice.
1)How does the happy picture of Maggie and Gavin’s family life upset Yvonne?
2)How does Yvonne handle her feelings?
3)Read the account of God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 15-18:1-15.
4)In what tangible way does God assure Abraham that He will fulfill His promise?
5)How does Sarah take matters into her own hands?
6)Who appears to Abraham and Sarah and assures them that God will indeed give them a biological son? What is Sarah’s reaction?
7) What situation are you facing right now in which you need to trust the Lord? Ask yourself the same question Abraham’s visitor asked him in Genesis 18:14: Is anything too hard for the Lord?
8)Read Genesis 29:31-30:25. How did the sister-tag team deal with infertility?
9)Read 1 Samuel, chapter one. Describe Hannah’s reaction to infertility. How did her husband respond?
10) In what ways has God equipped women for motherhood? What feelings are created when a woman can’t have a child? How can a woman put her mothering instincts to good use?
11) Maggie shares 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 with Yvonne in an effort to encourage her to use her pain to comfort others. What difficulty are you currently facing? How has God comforted you? In what ways can you use that comfort to minister to others?
12) How might a woman view her infertility as a gift?
13) What symptoms might an abuse victim exhibit?
14) Dan and Gavin suggest posing either as clients or traffickers to rescue Geetika. Is it ever right to deceive in order to do God’s work? For further study, read Exodus, chapter one and Joshua, chapter two.
15)) When Dan meets Randy, he is surprised by Randy’s positive attitude. Randy tells him that he chooses to dwell on the good, right, and lovely. Can you think of a passage of Scripture that supports that idea?
16) When Dan arrives at Hope’s Doors, Randy tells him that Vladimir Hochek brings in a quarter million dollars per month per brothel. Why do you think the sex industry is such a profitable undertaking? How does Satan use sexual perversion to distort the gospel message?
17) While Maggie and Yvonne sort through baby clothes, they discuss how a loving God can permit such evil to occur in the world. How would you explain this dilemma to someone who might ask you?
18) Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is to be more desired than great riches.” What do you think that means? How might this story illustrate that truth?
19)Dan admitted to being one of those who would like to ignore human slavery. What changed that attitude for him?
20)What characteristics of a sexual abuse victim might be good to know in order to help her?
21)List the six “I am” statements that can help a girl solidify her true identity.
22)Miscarriage is a loss that is often misunderstood. According to Hank Pizer and Christine O-Brien Palinski, authors of Coping with a Miscarriage, “a miscarriage is a sudden, unexpected, and shocking loss of life. It shatters your hopes for children and fills you with doubts about the future . . . it is normal to have many strong and unpleasant emotions associated with it.” With this in mind, how might you minister to a woman who has experienced a miscarriage?
23)Someone once said, “The sun is still shining even when we can’t see it.” How might that thought help someone whose grief has distorted the face of God?
24)Read Proverbs 24:11, Ecclesiastes 4:1, James 1:27, and Matthew 25:31-46. How might these passages motivate you to get involved in helping others?
25)What can you learn from Genesis 50:20 about forgiveness?
26)Read Ephesians, chapter one. Label all the wonderful words that describe you as a chosen one of God.
27)Which character(s) do you identify with the most in this story?
28)Has this story prompted you to gain a deeper appreciation for the needy in our world? How so? What will you do about the new insight the Lord has given you?
29)What would you like to ask the author if she were sitting across from you?
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