Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Peek at Our Christmas

Our Christmas tablescape . . .

And on the menu
Roast beef wrapped in bacon
Potato boats with cheese
Cole slaw
French vanilla ice cream 
with fresh strawberries, 
whipped cream, almond slivers, 
and chocolate peppermint shavings.

The food's great, but the Light of the World, Jesus, is the center of our celebration!

Christmas jamming

Our youngest daughter and husband, expecting their second child in June!

An unexpected treat this year for Chuck and me--the kids went in together to gift us a trip to Lancaster, PA to see the Sight & Sound theater. Yippee!
 The grandkids pulled together the Christmas story. Uh, apparently they ran out of costumes. I see Captain America in this pic!

Ethan, our little shepherd boy, greets Mary and the baby

Kylie passes out gifts

Michelle reads a Christmas story. We all write on slips of paper what we can give to Jesus, then place them in a silver box to draw out and read.

Happy Christmas kids! Later, we Skyped our missionary family in India!

Lots of fun!



chappydebbie said...

Great pictures and I love the video. It is so hard to keep the kids attention...I know from experience. Love your traditions. Do you bake a birthday cake for Jesus? When Christmas was at my house, I used to bake a cake that had a single candle on it. After singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, everyone would be given a candle and one by one, we would light our candle from the one on the cake and say a New Year blessing. When everyone was done, I would say "Just like the wise men brought gifts to Jesus, we will now open up our gifts from each other." That would be the cue for the unwrapping to begin. I haven't been able to do that for the past few years, because our family gathering has been at my daughter and SIL's house and I was asked not to do it....needless to say, my SIL needs prayer. This year, everyone is coming to my house for dessert before watching the grandkids open gifts, so guess what I will be doing? wink wink

Unknown said...

That's a lovely looking Christmas celebration! Such a nice table setting and the kids sure look happy. Your menu sounds great and I can smell the meat cooking! Merry Christmas!

Eileen Rife said...

Good for you, Debbie!

And Merry Christmas to you, Diane!

Aging Gratefully

Waiting for the sun to rise while watching from the deck of our beach house.  Thick, hovering, dark abundant clouds with pale pink and yello...