Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What Eileen Does for Christmas

So much fun at Christmas time! Wrapping presents, singing for the nursing home residents, decorating . . . 

And baking cookies for the neighbors!

Well, we nibble on a few, too!

My Waldock grandkids work together to bake sugar cookies. Up to our elbows in icing and sprinkles with plenty of giggles to go around.

Love the holiday season! How about you? What tradition does your family practice?


chappydebbie said...

Your grandchildren are so adorable! One of our traditions is our grandkids making an annual ornament for my tree.

Eileen Rife said...

Wonderful, Debbie! Hope you're still enjoying time to relax and regroup for the new year.

Aging Gratefully

Waiting for the sun to rise while watching from the deck of our beach house.  Thick, hovering, dark abundant clouds with pale pink and yello...