Tuesday, June 26, 2018

30-Day Praise Challenge!

Hope you're enjoying summer with time to relax and regroup. Yet, even in summertime, a noisy world screams at us in a plethora of ways!

One helpful exercise you might want to incorporate into your daily quiet time is a Good Thoughts list based on the words in Philippians 4:8. I've found that dwelling on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good report, excellent, and worthy of praise provides a powerful uplift to my day. Many others testify to the same.

It can be even more rewarding to watch for these concepts in Scriptures you are already studying. Be sure to write them down. Chronicling adds to the richness, which you can then share with others. The samples below are drawn from this morning's quiet time in Genesis, chapters 1 and 2. Here's how to do it. Keep in mind the words may vary according to your translation.

TRUE: Name something that is true, i.e., God (Eloheim) created the world and all that is in it! (Genesis, chapter one). God's glory in the majestic mountain range at Carvin's Cove (later in the day while sitting at the Cove); my life held in a holy, loving God's hands. (No need to write complete sentences--often a word or two will express something that is true. Notice that I also drew from what was around me and what I know to be true about God from other scripture passages. The idea is start small. Over time, you will likely add depth to your list).

HONORABLE: Marriage (Genesis 2:24-25, also reminded me of Hebrews 13:4).

RIGHT: Leaving parents, cleaving to spouse (Genesis 2:24); praying with Jonathan and family this morning before they left for Indiana.

PURE: the marriage bed (undefiled--Heb. 13:4); a holy God; quiet moments with Abba Father.

LOVELY: the precious stones mentioned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:11-12). Reminded me of the precious stones of the holy city in Revelation 21:18-21; ripples on the water at Carvin's Cove.

GOOD REPORT: the Lord God pursues (Genesis 3:9); God made garments to cover Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:21)--a foreshadowing of how Christ would later shed His blood to cover my sin.

EXCELLENT: the work God has given me to do (Genesis, chapter 2).

WORTHY OF PRAISE: Grandchildren sharing about Togo in VBS the other evening.

If you're up for it, take the 30-DAY PRAISE CHALLENGE and see if jotting down feedback on these words  helps you think in a more godly way. I find that the list grows in depth and variety the more I engage in the exercise, which is exciting and fulfilling!

For additional devotional resources, check out my book, Breathe Deeply God's Grace.

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